
BZARG is the work of Tim Babb, who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Tim was a lighting technology lead at Pixar for just over 10 years; now he’s working on making programming accessible to more people.

This blog focuses primarily on graphics, physics, programming, technology, and maybe some philosophy will creep in. We’ll see where this thing goes.

Why is it called BZARG

It’s pronounceable, it’s short, it was an available domain, and it’s Google-able.


Send me a note at \(\text{trbabb}@\text{gmail.com}\).

15 thoughts on “About

  1. TASKIA Ahmad

    Dear Mr. Tim,
    Your published article named “How Kalman filter works in pictures” is highly appreciated.
    Actually I’m looking forward to read from you about the EKF.

    All the Best.

  2. Bharti Kaushal

    Hello Tim, excellent job. This article helps me a lot for my presentation in very simple language..
    Thanks a lot dear. I am also looking forward for EKF & UKF. I hope we’ll seen these very soon

  3. Fedja

    THANKS A LOT from Germany (NRW).
    You are the first one who explained the Kalman Filter nicely.
    Hopefully you will go on and do the EKF and/or unscented Filter too.
    Maybe you throw some Proofs in it or discuss the paper from Kalman himselfe =)

    Your style is king.

  4. Perseo

    Outstanding quality content.
    I found your blog thanks to the Kalman Filter article (which I loved) and after reading the analysis on the bitcoin I have confirmed my first impression. I’ll be sure to keep in eye on the site.

  5. hamzah

    very grateful and thank you so much on your tutorial on kalman filter. will refer my students to this highly accessible article.

  6. Fulano

    Just wanted to say thank you for the kalman filter and bitcoin articles – they were excellent. Second order fizzbuzz made me laugh :)

  7. Aleksandar Ignjatovic

    Tim, I just saw your wonderful piece on the Kalman filter. This world has lost a lot by you not choosing an academic career; you could have saved from terrible suffering scores of students!
    Best regards
    Aleks (teaches at UNSW in Sydney)


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